We were given an opportunity to do classroom walk-throughs during our institute day to take note of anything interesting or positive we found (and to steal brilliant ideas, of course!) We traveled with our 4th grade team to visit our 3rd and 5th grade counterparts' classrooms. I'm sure you can imagine the fun that we had!! My only regret is that I didn't take more pictures of the wonderful classrooms I saw. I'll know better next time.
"Your classroom is a work of art."
A 5th grade colleague stopped me in the hallway after she visited my room and paid me quite possibly the best compliment EVER. "Your classroom is a work of art." I floated my way down to our next session and couldn't get those words out of my mind. During our group debriefing session, she shared that she just wishes she could move into my room. Talk about feeling humbled. Motivated. Appreciated. It has resonated with me all day and has made me pause to think about how many times we notice things but forget to say it out loud to someone else. You just never know when someone really, really needs to hear that positive feedback to push them forward!
Angela's comments are what inspired me to (finally) share pictures of my new fourth grade classroom!
By the way, Matt and Ryan, if you're reading this, I'd like to thank you on behalf of teachers everywhere for giving us this time. You are truly in-tune with what our team needs and what teachers want!